Monday, 30 September 2019

The journey of acceptance

It is funny how life works...
I've been going through quite some changes in my life that were consciously taken from my own soul. Nobody told me what to go I chose the path that was better for me.
Is it the right path, yes it is. Is it the easier path, no it isn't.
I am on a journey of self-discovery of letting go of the things that no longer serve.

This is the path of self-discovery for myself so I can love myself and love others, I need to find the belief in myself that I lost along the way because life showed it to me and wants me to grow as a person...
This is time for inner-work, not a time for distractions or going back to old patterns.

I have to stop caring about what the world thinks, I have to stop caring that I should follow a certain path I just have to walk my own path with conscious decisions.
It might be easier for some but it's their journey and they will have other challenges, that might be easier or harder.

For me, it is not easy to breakdown the barriers built by my mind and by my obsolete beliefs but that is my journey and most importantly I need to accept it.
Good advice from people I love and care and really mean it.

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