Monday, 28 October 2019

Blocks and tears

Before you become someone better you must have to let go of what no longer serves you.
All of the internal blockages you have inside will try to stop you and sabotage you from reaching your internal power.
They are there not for you to fail, but for you to dig deep inside and overcome the difficulties otherwise you won't evolve and become stagnant.

It is a shitty process, it is not pleasant, it is not a walk in the park, it is the death of parts of you that you have to honor.
I am going through all of this, I felt despair, loneliness, anger, pain...
I've been battling for too long to give up now. Guess what: I will never give up. I will go deep. I will fight and face all situations and inner demons I have and I will be victorious.
You can never build a new and beautiful house on top of an old house. You have to destroy it, bringing back memories,  bring back all the crap you have inside that house, clean it, bring it to the ground and then you can build a new one.

Tears are the small magical bits of water that clean all of that away. By releasing those blocks, stuck emotions, traumatic experiences and forgive and accept who you are, what you have been through as well as people and situations you are bringing the own power where it belongs: back to the source... back to you

Saturday, 12 October 2019

Getting back up again...

Rocky films are cheesy. Fact
But Rocky films have a strange way to show you the power of perseverance.
Rocky was an underdog and the odds were always against him, he gets hit time after time but what makes him a champion in life is that he gets back up after being hit harder and harder every single time.
That's life for you.
Life will hit you in many different ways, via loss of health, via loss of family and friends, loss of jobs, loss of partners and the list goes on.
What really tests your will and your soul is not the pain, but the endurance of the pain that, if prolonged is called suffering.
Remove the word suffering from your vocabulary.
Pain is what it is, a deep sense of discomfort in your body, mind, and soul but the continuation of it is called suffering and that is just masochism. That is not loving yourself because you get addicted to that feeling and then you become a victim.

We all have been victims at any time of our life and Caroline Myss, a spiritual author that I have great respect for, says that we all have the Victim archetype in our psyche.
The challenge is not to let it take over, it is to understand it, and understand our fragilities and getting back up for another round.
I will not stand down, I will get back up every single time I get rattled!

Sunday, 6 October 2019


I am sometimes surprised how the Universe works...
One's forgiveness can be one of the most difficult and simple things in the world.
As much as you have your mind to come with reasons to forgive, true forgiveness occurs in the heart and it's unexpected and releasing.
When you least expect the feeling of being trapped fades away, the shackles fall into the ground and the burden you carry evaporates.
You have the feeling of being light and peaceful and no matter how you felt before you can now fly.
This feeling might be temporary or if you're lucky it can last for a long time but the memory of freedom and peace will last forever.
You have to find your own way of self forgiveness as no one will teach you better than you heart guided by the pantomine of the Universe.